How to excel in the art of Business Writing

Business writing is an art, and here are some tips to put you on the right track!

1. Less is more.

People are generally less and less willing to read. Use words sparingly, cut out the florid prose, and avoid long, meandering sentences. The readers will appreciate it.

2. Avoid jargon.

While sometimes jargon is unavoidable – in a business specification document or technical specification, for example – try using simpler language. Even for people in the same field as you, jargon is often inefficient – the eye slides right past it without really catching the meaning.

3. Write once, check twice.

Proofread everything immediately after you finish writing, and then again hours or, better yet, days later. Nothing is more embarrassing than a silly typo.  Where possible give yourself time to set your writing aside and come back to it later.

4. Create templates.

More than likely you are going to have to produce similar content or answer similar questions on multiple occasions. Whenever you write a good letter, email, memo, or document that may be used again in the future, save it as a template – it will save you hours of time in the future! 

5. Answer the 5 Key Questions!?!.

Your communications should answer all the questions relevant to your audience: Who? What? When? Where? Why? and How?  Try to anticipate any questions your readers might ask.

6. Don’t give too many choices.

If you want to set a time for a meeting, give a single time and ask them to confirm or present a different time. At most, give two options and ask them to pick one. Too many choices often lead to decision paralysis, which generally isn’t good.

Check out more tips on how to write a professional email.

Published on by Australian Internships.