Tips on how to write a professional email

Writing professionals email is a daily task in most workplaces, as a matter of fact, it might be one of the first exercises you will have to do during your internship. There are some easy rules to follow when writing professional emails - here are the basics to help you become an expert in the art of email writing!

1. Subjects lines: The subject line should be clear and informative. It will give the reader an idea of the content and make it easier to find the email later if needed.

2. Greeting: Start your email with a welcoming “Dear XXX” or "Hi XXX” and kindly ask how your reader is going with phrases such as “How are you doing?” or “Hope your week is going well”.

3. Explain your purpose: After greeting your reader, state clearly the purpose of why you are sending the email. You don’t want anyone to confuse about the real intentions of your message.

4. Use appropriate language: To communicate professionally make sure to use formal language. Avoid using slang or shortcuts such as “Lmk” for “Let me know” because they give the reader a bad impression.

5. Limit the use of punctuation and emojis: Punctuation matters. They exist to make your email easier to understand, but overuse of exclamations marks and smileys make your email too emotional and unprofessional. One exclamation mark per email should be enough. In the same way, capital letters should be avoided in full sentences, as it looks like you are shouting at your interlocutor.

6. Keep your conversations professional: Emails using your professional email address must stay professional. If you want to chat with your colleagues about private matters, make sure to use another email and keep them separate for different purposes.

7. Be kind and charismatic: Remember to be positive and friendly. When writing an email, keep in mind to be polite and don’t be rude or angry at any point. Don’t forget to express gratitude for the reader’s time. This will show a positive attitude and help you to stand out!

 8. Keep emails short: Really long emails can become messy and hard to understand. If there is a lot to say, write a synopsis and close the email with a nice “Feel free to call me if you need more information”.

9. Closing: Before sending an email, you should close it by adding a polite “Best Regards” or “Sincerely”. Don’t forget to sign with your name in case you don’t have an automatic signature. 

10. Proofread before sending: Even if English is your first language make sure to read over your email to make sure all the information is correct. There is nothing worse than sending an email that is riddled with grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, or incomplete!

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