Anupama Nagahawatta - IT (Sri Lanka)


After working 3 years as a Software Engineer in my home country I moved to Australia to pursue my dream of becoming a Business System Analyst and knew that doing an internship will be the greatest opportunity to pursue my dreams. Past few months have been really challenging for all of us due to the global pandemic. My experience of working in a fresh Software company partnered with Real Estate is quite unique. Through the internship I got the opportunity to learn how the Real Estate market is performing and what agents and tenants expect. As a BSA I was able to improve my skills in planning and writing user stories, writing test scenarios, handling confluence pages, managing communication with my team, planning process flows and swim lane diagrams and how to cope with frequently changing user requirements. Working remotely half way through was quite challenging but, through maintaining frequent communications and engaging actively with the team helped me to overcome the challenges.  The offered organization was ideal to start my career as a BSA and the whole team which I belonged to was so supportive and respectful throughout the internship.

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