Hongcheng Ren - Economics (China)

Why did you choose to complete an Internship?

There two many reasons: 

  1. To challenge me. I never worked in an English environment, so that is quite challenging.

  2. To meet more excellent people. One day the Singapore team came to the Brisbane office to visit us. There were so many big bosses on that day. Other colleagues were also very friendly and glad to help me with everything.


What have you learned the most during your internship?

Communication skills: I am also happy to call it English skills. I have to communicate with colleagues using English all the time. Doing that taught me many Aussie slangs and other oral English things. And for the fourth week and the fifth week, my manager told me she wanted me to introduce new interns. So at that time, I also learned to present new colleagues around.

Problem-solving skills: Sometimes, I may face some problems. Some are not serious, and we can solve them in my way. But sometimes, it might cause some consequences, so never be afraid to ask your colleagues.

I also learned about some licenses in Australia through calling candidates. And I have also become brave to reach others in English.

What benefits do you feel Australian Internships contributed to your internship?

Australian Internships helped me write an English CV, do a mock interview, and helped me to find companies that are suitable for me to do my internship.

 What advice would you give future interns regarding internships?

Never be afraid to ask questions! Be well prepared for interviews! Be brave, since everything is under control! Work hard!

What do you enjoy most about Australia?

A totally English environment, meeting many excellent people, everyone is friendly and happy to help! Getting to know my nice manager and acquiring challenging but wonderful work experience!

Published on by Australian Internships.