Stephania Hernandez - Business Administration (Colombia)


Why did you choose to complete an internship?

For me doing an internship is the first step to be prepared for the labour market, there is no better way of learning than actually doing. Having the opportunity of being part of an international company is been very positive for my personal and professional growth, the team is very warm they had become like a second family to me, every day I learn something new from them. The internship had covered all my expectations from experience the real business environment and the knowledge I gain every, and I am so excited about what is next for my career.

What have you learned the most during your internship?

I have learned so many things it is difficult to choose just one, Panalitix exists to help professional services businesses, that means they give advisory and coaching to other firms, in that way they are always keeping an internal intellectual growth I had read 3 books since I started my internship one was “fish” which talks about how to have a positive attitude at your work and how you can help others to have a better day, the other book is called “how to win friends and influence people” and is  about how to develop lasting and better relationships, the last one I am reading is called “clockwork” this one is about how to design a business that runs by itself, so as I said the learning hasn't been focus only on one thing.

What benefits do you feel AI contributed to your internship and time in Australia?

I loved Australian internship emails, they always sent emails with interesting information that is very useful for interns such as “common mistakes to avoid when creating your resume”  “top 5 of the places you should visit in Australia” “Avoiding flu and sickness during the winter.”

For me is amazing because that shows me they don't limit the interaction with interns until they found us a company, it shows effort in keeping the communication open.

What advice would you give to future interns?

My advice would be: have a positive attitude always, because it can be difficult at the begging to adapt yourself to a new environment, you might get homesick, but everything is an experience so try to enjoy as much as you can, don't be afraid of doing questions because your goal here is TO LEARN!

What do you enjoy most about Australia?

What I like about Australia is that there is a lot to explore, many beautiful beaches, Byron Bay has been my favourite island until now, with amazing views, the gorgeous lighthouse, a great energy from the people around, and they also have one of the best beers I have ever tasted.

Published on by Australian Internships.