Gabriela Martinez - Business Adminstration (Brazil)

My name is Gabriela, I’m Brazilian and I’ve felt in love with this country called Australia since day one. Australia provided me so many life-changing experiences and every day is a new beginning to do something different.

Australian Internships opened its doors for me and welcomed me as a family. My role as a Business Admin Intern is to provide assistance and support for all team members. The best part is that I get to learn with all of them. The team has so many different backgrounds which just enhances my professional experience.

What I would say for every person that has the opportunity to be in this amazing country and kick-start their career here: the world was made to explore, so enjoy every moment, every place. Believe in yourself. Learn as much as you can with every experience. “Maybe is not about the destination, it’s about the journey”.

Published on by Australian Internships.