Alexandre Androutsopoulou - Architecture (Greek)


Why did you decide to do your internship in Australia?

It was a challenge for me to reach the other side of the world and get a firsthand professional experience by working at an Architectural firm with multi scale projects. I thought that spending 7 months in Australia would benefit my personal and professional growth and was totally right about it from day one.

What made this experience unique and special?

Getting familiar with the construction procedures and methods of Australia is definitely important for an architect’s development and helps to expand his professional competence. The environment itself on Gold Coast is unique since one can see the high rise buildings of the city centre next to amazing beaches that cover the east coast for many kilometres.

How has this experience impacted your future? (personally, professionally, academically, etc.)

I had the privilege to work in a multicultural environment and meet an ideal workplace. I experienced how it feels to be part of team working on multiple projects, having responsibilities, meeting deadlines, collaborating with other consultants and listening to the client’s needs and preferences at the same time. Practical knowledge gained day to day I am sure has strengthened my skills as a young professional

Published on by Australian Internships.