Building Workplace Relationships

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Building relationships in the workplace is an important part of completing an internship. For most of us, establishing new workplace relationships can be hard, especially if you are shy or English is not your first language. Fear not – everyone feels anxious at first, there are some sure-fire techniques that you can implement to ensure that you can establish great relationships and get ahead in your career!

At the beginning of your internship

The first few days can be filled with anxiety. Even the most confident person can find it difficult to adapt into a new environment. No matter how hard it is, it is critical that you try to step out of your comfort zone and make a good first impression. Meeting your colleagues will help you build relationships with the people you will be working with. You do not need to become their best friend, a great starting point is gaining an overview of what they do in their role at the company. This will help you learn about how the company works, what the different roles are – all while building on your relationships – not to mention, this can come in hand down the track if you need to ask questions about a specific role or area; you will know who to go to! Start by introducing yourself to colleagues – tell them your name, where you are from and explain that you are just starting your internship. Ask what their role is and see where the conversation leads from there. If you are unsure who to meet, ask your supervisor for a couple of people to get started. Another great tactic is to send an email broadcast to introduce yourself (with your supervisor’s permission of course), share a little bit about your educational or professional background, or even an icebreaker.

During your internship

Now that you have introduced yourself to the people on your team or who sit near you, continue to branch out and meet others in your office. As you are continuing to meet new colleagues, make sure that you are keeping up with the relationships you have started. This could be saying hi throughout the office, going to lunch together, helping them with a project or task, or just having a small chat throughout the day. Continue to build this network throughout your time at the company.

After your internship

Keep in touch with your colleagues; a good way to do this is to connect with them on LinkedIn. Often times, people are hired through referrals, so if you are looking for a full-time position, your network will be your greatest resource. Through LinkedIn, your colleagues will be able to see your progress through school and your career, they might even let you know of a job opportunity that you might like. You can also send them an email every once in a while to keep in touch and see how they are or let them know what you have been up to.

The network that you build will be important throughout your career, so be sure to build strong relationships throughout your work experience, you might even find a mentor in the process!

Published on by Australian Internships.