Making Creativity Uncomplicated

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Creativity is a characteristic that the job market is demanding more and more today. In general, people who think differently stand out, as they can propose innovative solutions, contributing to the growth of the team.

Believe it or not, creativity is a human skill and not a gift. Therefore, like any other competence, it is possible to practice creativity to awaken it and develop it, becoming a more creative person. Being more creative involves changing your way of thinking and working to remove obstacles in the way of your natural creativity, allowing you to reach and develop it.

We have listed some simple tips and techniques on how to do this through new habits and mindset changes:

1. Consume art

Creativity and inspiration go together and, therefore, it is essential to nourish your mind with things that can inspire you. Read books that inspire you, admire good music, films, photographs, paintings, or anything else that awakens something within you. Use the creativity of others as fuel for yours!

2. Get out of your comfort zone

For the brain to activate different areas and, consequently, formulate new ideas, it is necessary to leave the comfort zone. This also includes your hobbies. So, watch a series of genres you are not used to, practice other sports, and talk to new people. The human brain is a much more powerful tool than you might think. So, explore your full potential.

3. Escape the routine

When you do the same things every day, your brain gets used to the routine and stagnates. So try to do activities that are not usually part of your daily life, such as starting a conversation with someone outside your circle of friends, going for a walk or training even when you are not in the mood or trying to prepare a different dinner.

4. Be an observer

Nowadays our attention is almost always fixed on the screens and, with that, we fail to notice all the wealth of information that exists around us.
Take a break from work and resist the temptation to check your cell phone. Make it a habit to stop and simply observe the place, people, and events. A good observer can easily access the most creative areas of the brain.

5. Do not be afraid to make mistakes

Mistakes happen. And believe me, they don't always exist. Sometimes an idea may seem silly, but if you don't try it, you'll never know the result. Fearing the negative result harms the creative process, making it more prone to errors.

Be it personal or professional, be sure to seek inspiration and ways to explore creativity to obtain the best results in your actions and projects.

Published on by Australian Internships.